The trail focuses on designing medium and large digital systems, emphasizing the steps of the digital project flow for modern manufacturing technologies, including front-end and back-end. From algorithm to chip layout, the course provides theoretical and practical classes and cutting-edge tools to provide high-quality qualification.

Digital System Trail
I - Introductory Module
Introduction to Microelectronics
- 60 HOURS
- Semiconductors (characteristics of conductors, insulators and semiconductors);
- Semiconductor devices: diodes and MOSFETs. -Electrical characterization of devices. DC and AC modeling;
- The logic inverter and the basic amplifier (exploring a first application);
- Combinational and sequential CMOS logic (logic gates and foundations only);
- CMOS manufacturing process: Manufacturing stages of an integrated circuit; Manufacturing cost, yield;
- Implementation of devices and connections in the CMOS process (layout of resistors, capacitors, inductors, MOSFETs, diodes, tracks, Padring);
- Parasitic Effects in the CMOS Process;
- Behavioral variability due to manufacturing;
- Encapsulation;
- CAD tools;
- Technological trends.
II - Digital Module
Digital Systems Project: Front-end and Back-end (from algorithm and specification to chip layout)
- 480 HOURS
- 16 WEEKS
- Combinational Logic;
- Sequential Logic;
- Finite State Machines;
- Design of digital systems consisting of a control block and operating block;
- ASIC and FPGA architecture;
- ASICS digital IC and FPGAs design methodology;
- Hardware Description Language;
- High-level synthesis and use of IPs;
- Organization architecture for embedded RISC processors;
- Performance, Pipeline and optimizations;
- Memory hierarchy;
- Embedded processor IPs: RISC-V, ARM, MIPs and others;
- Study of the relationship between area, performance, power and energy in the design of digital systems;
- Introduction and Planning of verification;
- Verification environment and Universal Verification Methodology (UVM);
- Metrics-based verification;
- Assertion-based verification;
- Behavioral simulation and post synthesis (with delay);
- Digital logical and physical implementation flow;
- Positioning Flow;
- Routing Flow;
- Static and dynamic energy consumption;
- Performance: delay, simulations with delay, parasitic extraction;
- Design Optimizations and Physical Synthesis;
- Design verification, mask preparation and tape-out;
- Basic notions of testing and fault definition;
- Static test;
- DFT;
- Dynamic testing.
III - Management and Entrepreneurship Module
Management and Entrepreneurship
- 120 HOURS
- Entrepreneurship, innovation and ecosystem;
- New business in semiconductors;
- Development and Laboratory Tools;
- Knowledge Management;
- ESG and Sustainability;
- LGPD, Compliance and Ethics;
- Project Management;
- Socio-emotional skills;
- Introduction to New Businesses;
- Creation of the Value Proposal;
- Prototyping and user experience (UX);
- Market Validation;
- Value Delivery;
- Fund-raising.
IV - Assessment and Industry Fairs Module
Assessment and Industry Fairs
- 60 HOURS
- Practical presentation of work;
- Fairs with industry and professionals in the field.
V - Informe o nome para o módulo caso exista
- Conteúdo 1;
- Conteúdo 2;
- Conteúdo 3;
VI - Informe o nome para o módulo caso exista
- Conteúdo 1;
- Conteúdo 2;
- Conteúdo 3;
VII - Informe o nome para o módulo caso exista
- Conteúdo 1;
- Conteúdo 2;
- Conteúdo 3;
VIII - Informe o nome para o módulo caso exista
- Conteúdo 1;
- Conteúdo 2;
- Conteúdo 3;
IX - Informe o nome para o módulo caso exista
- Conteúdo 1;
- Conteúdo 2;
- Conteúdo 3;
Target Audience
People with experience and/or a degree in the area of microelectronics or related areas.
Advantages of participating in CI Inovador
- Recognition of professional trajectory
- Qualification in a high demand segment of the market
- Contact with the most advanced technologies
- A Degree from renowned institutions
- Expansion of networking