Cristina Meinhart

Although it is a multidisciplinary field, full of opportunities in both academics and the industrial sector, microelectronics still suffers from gender inequality. Unfortunately, female participation in microelectronics is still very shy, not only in Brazil, but worldwide. We must highlight the countless possibilities of this segment in terms of professional development for women and of

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Yumi Monma

I have been working in the microelectronics field for 15 years and want to encourage women interested in this segment to sign up for the Cl Inovador program. The microelectronics career is very diverse, interesting and presents many possibilities. I have professional contact with many women working for large technology companies abroad and I hope

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Edelweiss Ritt

The field of microelectronics and semiconductors brought me many opportunities. When I lived abroad, I was a company director. It is a very promising and a high demand sector, with a huge labor shortage. We are talking about a market estimated at US$ 500 billion. I hereby call on women and men to take advantage

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Luciana Santos

Encouraging the presence of more women in a strategic sector such as microelectronics, which lacks qualified professionals, is essential to promote economic development and innovation, and also inspire young people of the new generations in order to change the future of our country.

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Luiza Pena

In my last year of college I decided to completely change careers within Engineering and joined the semiconductor or microelectronics industry. It was the best decision I’ve made in my life. I work with the dawn of technology and with Silicon Valley companies. This industry greatly values diversity and has greater cultural maturity compared to

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